News Article

Infineon launches sixth generation SiC Schottky diodes


CoolSiC family has a new layout, new cell structure, and a new proprietary Schottky metal system

Infineon Technologies has introduced its sixth generation of CoolSiC 650V Schottky diodes, which it describes as a perfect complement to the 600 V and 650 V CoolMOS 7 families.

The devices are aimed at current and future applications in server and PC power, telecom equipment power, and PV inverters.

The CoolSiC Schottky diode 650 V G6 has a new layout, new cell structure, and a new proprietary Schottky metal system. The result is an industry benchmark VF (1.25 V), and a Qc x VF figure of merit (FOM) which is 17 percent lower than the previous generation. In addition, the new G6 diode makes use of the SiC strong characteristics of temperature independent switching behaviour and no reverse recovery charge.

The design of the device provides improved efficiency over all load conditions along with increased system power density. Thus, the CoolSiC Schottky diode 650 V G6 features reduced cooling requirements, increased system reliability, and fast switching.

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