'PERL' team to push the limits of switching frequencies for SiC and GaN power converters
Graz University of Technology (TU Graz) and Silicon Austria Labs (SAL) have launched a joint power electronics research laboratory 'PERL' dedicated to advancing fundamental research in high frequency switched power converters.
The research work aims to use the superior properties of wide bandgap (WBG) semiconductors, SIC and GaN, by proposing and studying new power conversion topologies (with a strong focus on soft switching ones), optimal usage and design of passive components, novel gate driving solutions, and smart packaging and integration techniques.
The main objective is to push the operating frequency of the converters and to explore and understand the associated limitations, also considering the electromagnetic interference in the analysis.
Targeted applications span various industrial fields where low size and weight, as well as very high efficiency are beneficial, including automotive, data centers, telecom, portable devices, and avionics/space.
Researchers from both TU Graz and SAL will work together, including four dedicated PhD students. The joint laboratory is initially planned to run for three years.