News Article

Keysight enables dynamic test of bare die WBG power chips

Easily and accurately measure characteristics without soldering or probe needles

Keysight Technologies has added its double-pulse test portfolio enabling customers to benefit from accurate and easy measurement of the dynamic characteristics of wide-bandgap (WBG) power semiconductor bare chips.

According to the company, the technologies implemented in the measurement fixture minimise parasitics and do not require soldering to the bare chip. The fixtures are compatible with both versions of Keysight’s double pulse testers.

The new solution helps engineers perform dynamic characterisation as soon as a chip is diced from a wafer. The design of the fixture allows quick accommodation of bare chips and provides sufficient electrical contact while preventing a small and fragile bare chip from arcing or being damaged.

Thomas Goetzl, VP and general manager for Keysight Automotive & Energy Solutions, said: “With the introduction of the new WBG semiconductor bare chip evaluation method, we are helping the industry expedite the development of highly efficient and robust power semiconductor discrete devices and power modules. Bare chip dynamic characterisation, once regarded as almost impossible to do, is now possible with the extension to our power semiconductor test portfolio.”

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