News Article

Ideal Power begins third party automotive testing

Company will put a thousand packaged B-TRAN devices from multiple wafer runs through full automotive qualification and reliability testing

Ideal Power Inc, US developer of the B-TRAN bidirectional semiconductor power switch, has announced the start of third-party automotive qualification and reliability testing of B-TRAN devices.

"This is a significant milestone in our commercialisation roadmap as third-party automotive qualification and reliability testing of B-TRAN is now underway. Demonstration of compliance with automotive standards, the most stringent reliability standards for power semiconductor devices, is expected to accelerate the adoption of B-TRAN with large industrial customers as well as automotive OEMs and Tier 1 automotive suppliers," said Dan Brdar, president and CEO of Ideal Power.

The company says it as already successfully performed a critical subset of reliability testing of packaged B-TRAN devices in its lab and at a third-party testing site to confirm its readiness for third-party automotive qualification and reliability testing. This testing focused on the reliability of packaged B-TRAN devices in extreme environmental conditions and under high electrical and thermal stress as well as blocking voltage and shock testing.

The automotive qualification and reliability testing includes a broader array of testing as required by automotive codes and standards using specified parameters and a wide range of test conditions.

The testing to achieve automotive qualification requires over a thousand packaged B-TRAN devices from multiple wafer runs. The process includes tens of thousands of power cycles at various current levels, thermal cycling at extreme temperature and humidity levels, blocking voltage and shock and vibration testing, and visual inspection.These tests are designed to expose B-TRAN to conditions that are intended to accelerate failure mechanisms and demonstrate the long-term reliability of the devices.

Successful completion of B-TRAN automotive qualification and reliability testing is expected in the first half of 2025.

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