News Article

WEG announces energy management tool

Software analyses energy impact of changes to motors, drives and gearboxes

With almost half of the energy produced in Europe consumed by industrial equipment, the EC is taking action to control and minimise industrial energy consumption.

One initiative is the EU Ecodesign directive for motor efficiency, which means that motors between 75 kW and 200 kW sold in the EU must achieve an energy efficiency level equivalent to IE4.

To help address this and related issues, WEG, a manufacturer of electric motors, has launched WEGSEE+, a software platform designed to simulate energy efficiency projects.

The tool enables users to analyse the impact of changes to electric motors, drives and gearboxes, to provide data on energy consumption, ROI, and CO2 emissions.

The tool enables operators to analyse the feasibility and potential of energy saving projects and evaluates the potential return on investment before implementing changes.

“The launch of WEGSEE+ marks a significant step forward in energy management for industrial applications,” said Marek Lukaszczyk, marketing manager for Europe and the Middle East at WEG. “By simulating the impact of different equipment configurations, WEGSEE+ reduces time and energy consumption during the planning phase, optimising resources and maximising benefits.”

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