News Article

Nexperia announces tiny automotive MOSFETs

Single and dual small-signal MOSFET in miniature DFN offer superior thermal performance

Nexperia has released single and dual small-signal MOSFETs in miniature DFN packages. The automotive qualified devices are available in DFN1110D-3 and DFN1412-6 respectively.

DFN1110D-3 and DFN1412-6 are leadless packages that offer superior thermal performance, with almost 50 percent lower thermal resistance from junction to ambient, from a tiny footprint (up to 80 percent smaller). This makes them an attractive alternative to established high-volume leaded enclosures such as SOT23, SOT323, SOT363, or SOT666.

According to the company, the DFN1110D-3 (1.1mm x 1 mm) package in particular has seen increasingly wide adoption and is quickly becoming the ‘de-facto’ industry standard package for small-signal MOSFETs and bipolar transistors intended for use in automotive applications.

The DFN1110-D-3 also features side-wettable flanks to support lower-cost automated optical inspection (AOI) of solder joints, which also helps to improve reliability.

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