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AA Manufacturing secures supply of discretes

UK-based CEM signs deal with CDIL for range of discretes including automotive SiC devices

AA (Alan Anderson) Manufacturing, a UK-based CEM, has signed a franchise deal with Continental Device India Pvt. Ltd., (CDIL), which offers a range of discretes – transistors, diodes, rectifiers, triacs, SCRs, voltage regulators and TVS devices - in surface mount and leaded packages.

CDIL is also able to produce automotive-grade SiC devices.

Michael Knight, sales director at AA Manufacturing comments: “We are taking a very different approach to the supply of PCBAs. Whereas traditional CEMs are at the mercy of a volatile supply chain that too often experiences shortages and price hikes, at Alan Anderson we ensure supply by forging partnerships with our suppliers.

"All components are critical to complete a successful PCBA, not just the expensive microprocessor or FPGA. When we get a BOM from a customer, we can work through that with them, providing alternative solutions from suppliers such as CDIL, which focus entirely on the standard, low-margin parts that leading brand names de-prioritise when capacity becomes limited.“

Continental Device India Ltd. (CDIL) is an ISO 9001, IATF 16949, and ISO 14001 certified company.

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