DOE initiative wants to increase chip energy efficiency 1,000-fold

The US Department of Energy’s (DOE's) Advanced Materials and Manufacturing Technologies Office (AMMTO) is soliciting feedback from industry, academia, research laboratories, and government agencies on the Energy Efficiency Scaling for Two Decades (EES2) Initiative and a draft R&D roadmap.
The roadmap outlines the technology R&D needed to increase the energy efficiency of semiconductor applications 1,000-fold over the next twenty years.
Since 2010, overall semiconductor application energy use has doubled every three years, and by 2030, if this rate of increase continues, the semiconductor industry could consume nearly 20 percent of global energy production.
The EES2 National Initiative aims to put the semiconductor industry back on the path of doubling energy efficiency every two years to increase the economic competitiveness of American microelectronics manufacturers and to strengthen domestic clean energy supply chains.
The request for information has a deadline of 30th September 2024, with AMMTO seeking input on the following three categories: EES2 initiative goals and objectives; the Roadmap document; and Process and future steps.