Nexperia to offer BJTs in space-saving format

Nexperia has extended its portfolio of power bipolar junction transistors (BJTs) with the release of ten standard and ten automotive-qualified products in DFN2020D-3 packaging.
These new devices are available in 50 V and 80 V ratings and supporting current ranges from 1 A to 3 A in NPN and PNP polarity. With this release Nexperia is offering the majority of its power BJTs in DFN packaging for designers looking for a space and energy efficient alternative to older SOT223 and SOT89 packages.
DFN2020D-3 packaged devices provide significant board space savings compared to their leaded counterparts. For example, it delivers an 80 percent reduction in board space when compared to SOT89 and a 90 percent reduction compared to SOT223. The DFN2020D-3 package also features side-wettable flanks to enable automated optical inspection (AOI) of solder joints thus ensuring improved robustness and reliability.
In addition to general-purpose transistors Nexperia has also released a series of low VCEsat devices, like the PBS5350PAS-Q. These combine low saturation voltage and high current gain and can help to improve the energy efficiency of many power supply applications. Llow VCEsat transistors can replace standard transistors in larger packages, enabling more compact designs on smaller PCBs.