News Article
Indichip Semis to build $1.4b SiC fab

India's 'first private semiconductor manufacturing facility' will have potential for 50,000 wafers per month
India's Indichip Semiconductors has signed an agreement with the government of Andhra Pradesh to construct what is described as 'India's first private semiconductor manufacturing facility'.
The proposed SiC fab will launch with a production capacity of 10,000 wafers per month, rising to 50,000 wafers per month within two to three years. According to the company's website, it will start with 6-inch SiC wafers, and then transition to 8-inch SiC wafers.
The agreement was brokered by the government of Andhra Pradesh, along with representatives of Indichip and its Japanese partner Yitoa Micro Technology (formerly Pioneer Micro Technology).