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CGD signs agreement to develop ultra-efficient power products


Partnership with Chicony Power and Cambridge University Technical Services aims to yield high-performance GaN-based notebook and data centre power products

Cambridge GaN Devices (CGD) has signed a tripartite agreement with Chicony Power Technology of Taiwan and Cambridge University Technical Services (CUTS), UK, to conceive and develop advanced, efficient, high power-density adapters and data centre power products using GaN.

Chicony Power is a well-established provider of power electronics systems focusing on power supplies and adapters for various applications, including notebooks, desktop computers, gaming devices, and server/cloud solutions.

Florin Udrea, the head of the High Voltage Microelectronics and Sensor (HVMS) group at Cambridge University will act as the lead consultant on behalf of CUTS. The HVMS group at Cambridge University has a history of 25 years in power device design, TCAD simulations and characterisation of power devices. The three parties will collaborate around a technical project entitled ‘Innovative low power and high power SMPS (switch mode power supplies) with advanced GaN solutions’.

CGD has historic and ongoing links with Cambridge University via CEO, Giorgia Longobardi, and CTO, Florin Udrea who also still leads the HVMS group.

The project is expected to deliver SMPS prototypes for highly efficient, high-density adapters for notebooks and Titanium+ efficiency / High Power Density (> 100W/inch3) CRPS and OCP power shelf (3kW ~ 6kW) power supply unit for data centres and AI server applications.

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