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Magnachip debuts 600V SJ MOSFET family


New super junction products feature fast recovery body diodes and RDS(on) down to 44mΩ

Magnachip Semiconductor has released a new family of nine 600V super junction MOSFETs. The devices feature a proprietary design that delivers an on-resistance (RSP) reduction of about 10 percent, while maintaining the same cell-pitches of previous generation MOSFETs.

The new product family of also equipped with a fast recovery body diode. The diode technology is said to significantly enhance system efficiency with reduced reverse recovery time (trr) and switching loss. As a result, the figure of merit to evaluate general performance has improved 10 percent compared to the previous generation.

The 600V SJ MOSFETs can be used widely in industrial applications, such as solar inverters, energy storage systems, uninterruptible power supply systems, and a variety of electronics. Among these, the the MMQ60R044RFTH product offers an exceptionally low RDS(on) of 44mΩ, making it an optimal choice for electric vehicle chargers and servers.

“Now that we have introduced these 600V SJ MOSFET products, we are aiming to unveil new 650V and 700V SJ MOSFET products with fast recovery body diode in the second half of 2023,” said YJ Kim, CEO of Magnachip. “These new MOSFETs represent a notable achievement for the company, and we will build upon this success to deliver next-generation power solutions for rapidly changing market requirements and customer expectations.”

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