2022 Wide Bandgap power Workshop

PowerAmerica to run workshop on advances in the SiC and GaN power electronics ecosystem
PowerAmerica is holding a 2022 Summer Workshop — 'SiC and GaN: The Future is Now' — August 2-4, 2022, on North Carolina State’s Centennial Campus, in Raleigh, North Carolina.
It is aimed at employees of PowerAmerica member organisations, including students, and invited guests.
The workshop includes: Keynote remarks by industry leaders; WBG Tutorials by leading practitioners; Reports on ten SiC and GaN PowerAmerica member-funded projects; an update on SiC and GaN market trends; and roadmapping future PowerAmerica initiatives.
There will also be ample networking opportunities. For more information click here.
PowerAmerica, a member of Manufacturing USA, brings together semiconductor manufacturers and the companies that use power semiconductors in their products to accelerate the adoption of next generation SiC and GaN power electronics. It is backed by the US Department of Energy.